Stop the Slut Shaming

I was perusing Facebook today between my classes and came across this lovely gem of a post on a family member’s wall (she and I had a discussion about it later):

I, for one, am tired of slut shaming.  According to that man, I am a giant slut.  I’m fine with that.  If I’m a slut because I have several tattoos, that is fine with me.  If I am a slut because I find a bit of pleasure in swearing at times, then yep, I’m a slut!  If I’m a slut because I’m a feminist and I’m pansexual, then so be it.  I have “big tits”, so obviously I’m a slut you know; I totally grew these suckers just because I am such a slut.  I’m definitely a slut because I like women as well as men (and people who do not conform to the gender binary too!).  I go to a known party college, so that for sure makes me a slut.  The list goes on and on for me…

I am just tired of the view that women are sluts.  We do not have words specifically for men who sleep around.  They have to be a “man slut” or variations of such.  Clearly you don’t have to sleep around to be labeled a slut either (I don’t, I’m married).

I think we should take the word “slut” back, much like other derogatory words have been taken back.  If being a slut means I’m a confident woman who knows what I want and happens to find pleasure in sex, then yep, I’m a slut!

Movements like the Slut Walk are a great, positive step forward, and I hope we can further raise consciousness.  It saddens me when women are spreading this hatred about ourselves.  Sisterhood is powerful, as they say.  Let’s love and respect our sisters.
